Enterprise Architecture in Spain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arquitectura Empresarial en España. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A collection of EA things (post, twits, files, blogs...) I find on the internet (TOGAF, Zachman, PEAF, FEAF, Gartner ...)
Cursos TOGAF : http://www.estratecno.es
Zachman, PEAF, FEA, preguntar
A little bit off the track: I am looking for a comparison among the leading EA tools, particularly, ARIS, TROUX, and Sparx EA. Pleased to learn from you, or about any place/site to find something similar. Thanks in advance
Rakib Ahmed • Thanks Jon and Salman. We are looking for a tool for a large organisation, currently using Sparx EA but as you mentioned it is cheaper and has limited functionality. We want to have user friendly modelling, storage in a repository, easier visualisation based on different stakeholder viewpoints, and also some enhanced capability that may be required in the future. I have the latest Gartner Magic Quadrant and Forrester Wave research docs with me, and am currently considering Mega, Alfabet's PlanningIT, ARIS, TROUX, IBM Rationale, and BizzDesign. Thanks for some more insights.
IServer very good
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Enterprise Architecture quite simply is all about Strategic Planning. It helps enterprises shape their future structure and dynamics in the face of the changing environment in which they do business. Its purpose is to understand the ends and means that form the strategies needed.
How does an enterprise react to events that do and will potentially occur and arrive at the strategies needed to remain robust, efficient and viable, to continue to deliver value and make profits for themselves?
Enterprise Architecture is the corporate discipline that helps us to understand the questions that need to be asked and get better at strategic thinking. The approach is based on asking the usual Why, What, How, When, Who and Where questions:
These should all be open questions. You should take care that the questions don’t upset those executives that are responsible for the current answers and are asked in an ego-less fashion.
All of these answers can be modelled and analysed with your favourite enterprise architecture tool. I like to add a Strategy domain to the usual Business Architecture, Information Architecture, Application Architecture and Infrastructure Architecture domains.
Enterprise Architects should start to think like a strategist instead of just like a technologist.
In real life the answers from our questions are usually complex and enterprise architects will typically develop a number of different target enterprise architecture scenarios to explore all the options. These can be analysed and
What I find curious though is that I have never seen any mention of Enterprise Architecture approaches and techniques in any Strategic Planner job specifications. These job specifications may include requirements such as :
TOGAF9 and ArchiMate already both include Motivation concepts, so now more and more Enterprise Architects are modelling Drivers, Goals, objectives, Measures, Values as well as Products and Business Services.
Isn’t it about time that Strategic Planning starts to make use of the value and benefits of the enterprise architecture capability?
The same point also applies to Enterprise Architecture and Business Transformation. In my view Enterprise Architecture is the glue that joins these approaches together.
When I first started working, Total Quality Management was all the rage, and when my workplace embraced it, I thought it was brilliant. I loved the idea of pulling together to improve work quality and efficiency - especially since, as I saw it, the place needed to shake off some dust.
Many of my colleagues had started working at the company right after high school and were now middle-aged. They felt a bit differently about it and were much less excited.
Since then, I’ve seen TQM efforts — and similar programs —collapse under the weight of their own metrics and processes. A few hopeful souls kept at it, while other employees tried to avoid the meetings because they wanted to focus on finishing “real work.”
As a result, I’m a bit skeptical about any large-scale, long-term initiative.
But at the same time, if anything needs that sort of deep thinking and disciplined approach, it’s IT and business processes. Technology is complicated and expensive, as are the processes many of us contend with on a day-to-day business. Frankly, I’m surprised some companies haven’t collapsed under the weight of their own complications.
That makes me think that, for many organizations and IT divisions, the time is right for a discipline like enterprise architecture.
Recently, I interviewed Sven van Dijk (@Vandijk_S), a consultant with BiZZdesign, about the values of The Open Group Architecture Framework, commonly called TOGAF. It’s a proprietary standard, although the Open Group provides it for free to organizations using it internally for noncommercial purposes.
Van Dijk is doing a presentation on his experience implementing enterprise architecture using the proprietary standard at The Open Group’s upcoming conference in Newport Beach, California.
First of all, TOGAF can incorporate “lower-level” standards like Six Sigma, he explained. In fact, it can be used to bring those other kinds of initiatives into focus and alignment throughout the company.
The key to success is to view TOGAF as a toolkit that you can apply to whatever situation you’re tackling at the enterprise level.
“Sometimes you already see that organizations do a lot of stuff to improve parts of the organization, maybe the technology landscape or they're creating a roadmap for applications,” he said. “I’d use the TOGAF standard more to align all these separate initiatives and really place them into a context where the organization can derive more value from integrating these separate initiatives with each other.”
Enterprise architecture began as an IT discipline, and while TOGAF has strong roots in technology architecture, in recent releases, it’s evolved out of IT and into a more strategic position between IT and the business. This makes TOGAF a tool not just for architecture, but also a tool for aligning IT and business goals.
“The TOGAF really encourages organizations to engage the various stakeholders or enterprise architecture that are not only like technology disciplines such as application consultants or data specialists, but also business stakeholders, financial people, risk people and really try to involve them into the process model and that benefits the business and IT alignment much more,” van Dijk said.
Van Dijk will speak on Monday at the Newport Beach conference, which runs from Monday through Friday. It’s the first conference of the year, but there are others if you’re interested in learning more about TOGAF.
Great article from Mike
“the glue between business and solution architecture.”
With all the buzz at the Open Group Conference in Newport Beach this year around Big Data I thought I would take a small step back and write a short post that looks at the importance and the linkages of Information Architecture (or in TOGAF terms Data Architecture).
The importance of information architecture cannot be overemphasized. As architects we look at solutions a bit differently than others in IT by focusing on solving problems business first or top down. However, sometimes we get caught in the trap of focusing on the most tangible aspects of our architecture while losing track of the aspects that truly drive our architectural decisions.
Information architecture serves as that vital bridge from the business architecture world to application and technology architecture. This is shown below, from both the widely accepted Enterprise Architecture from NIST and from the Open Group’s TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM), you will see Information Architecture as the glue between business and solution architecture.
As shown above, information and data constitutes the most basic and foundational of all information units employed by a solution. Solutions are created to manage data and to help transform data into information. But data is consumed in different ways by people, process and technologies. While it’s a little dated, I really like how NIST puts this all together in one model.
Having a clearly defined information architecture provides concrete direction to the architecture. It provides a translation layer between the business architecture and all other views. The Information view does this by first identifying the required information that provides clear direction on how the information should be created, manipulated, and analyzed. Through this articulation of information the view will then identify the required technical capabilities and specific technologies required.
A well-built Information Architecture should be able to address how your architecture will provide:
Cloud computing architectures provide a tangible example of why this is so important. To really determine what solutions can / should go to the cloud we must first understand the data aspects. This ranges from functional / non-functional requirements to risk management and compliance. These aspects have the ability to stop you in your tracks, and they are all data centric.
Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:45pm EST — Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:30pm EST
Jason Uppal, Chief Architect, QRS, Canada Learn how to: Define the Enterprise Architecture skills supply and demand gap in your organization Assess the impact of this gap on your organization’s business strategy Build a practical business case for your Business Transformation Capability (TOGAF® Based EA Practice) Background and Context: “Discontinuities are often described as technological breakthroughs that help companies rewrite industry rules or create entirely new industries.” So what do organizations need in order to pounce on opportunities created by discontinuities? They need to position their Business Transformation as an Enterprise capability. As Dr. John Kotter pointed out in the November 2012 Harvard Business Review: most organizations have an excellent model to run the day-to-day business of the enterprise, however, they lack a similar process maturity in their ability to transform their business. This session will define how to build a Business Transformation Capability by leveraging your investment in TOGAF®. Topics Covered: The Business Transformation Capability and its Performance Indicators – performance of the process and business outcomes Role of the Enterprise Architecture and Support from TOGAF ® standards The Business Transformation Value Chain Enterprise Architecture Services and their Value Enterprise Architecture Roles and Skills Skills Demand and Supply Gap Analysis Impact of the Gap on your Business Strategy Business Case for Business Transformation – Template Additional Material: Three Position Papers that cover: Enterprise Architecture Requirements Enterprise Architecture as a Profession Investment in ICT and Enterprise Value The Business Transformation eBook 10 free copies Jason Uppal, P.Eng. was the first Master IT Architect certified by The Open Group, by direct review, in October 2005. At that point, Jason had been chief architect of QR Systems Inc (www.quickresponse.ca) for six years and had been providing senior Enterprise Architecture services. He holds an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, graduate degree in Economics and a post graduate diploma in Computer Science. Jason’s commitment to Enterprise Architecture Life Cycle (EALC) has led him to focus on training (TOGAF®), education (UOIT) and mentoring services to his clients as well as being the responsible individual for both Architecture and Portfolio & Project Management for a number of major projects. Jason has found that education is only beneficial to those companies who can industrialize the EALC process – staff must be able to implement what they have learned. To that end, he lead a team of java software developers to develop an end to end industrialization product which encapsulates Enterprise Architecture, Portfolio and Project Management, Project Management and IT Services Management processes. Implementing this software product, ITO, (www.itoProcesses.com.) permits companies to take full advantage of TOGAF® and any other custom processes which might already be in place within their organization
When I first started working, Total Quality Management was all the rage, and when my workplace embraced it, I thought it was brilliant. I loved the idea of pulling together to improve work quality and efficiency - especially since, as I saw it, the place needed to shake off some dust.
Many of my colleagues had started working at the company right after high school and were now middle-aged. They felt a bit differently about it and were much less excited.
Since then, I’ve seen TQM efforts — and similar programs —collapse under the weight of their own metrics and processes. A few hopeful souls kept at it, while other employees tried to avoid the meetings because they wanted to focus on finishing “real work.”
As a result, I’m a bit skeptical about any large-scale, long-term initiative.
But at the same time, if anything needs that sort of deep thinking and disciplined approach, it’s IT and business processes. Technology is complicated and expensive, as are the processes many of us contend with on a day-to-day business. Frankly, I’m surprised some companies haven’t collapsed under the weight of their own complications.
That makes me think that, for many organizations and IT divisions, the time is right for a discipline like enterprise architecture.
Recently, I interviewed Sven van Dijk (@Vandijk_S), a consultant with BiZZdesign, about the values of The Open Group Architecture Framework, commonly called TOGAF. It’s a proprietary standard, although the Open Group provides it for free to organizations using it internally for noncommercial purposes……..
When I first started working, Total Quality Management was all the rage, and when my workplace embraced it, I thought it was brilliant. I loved the idea of pulling together to improve work quality and efficiency - especially since, as I saw it, the place needed to shake off some dust.
Many of my colleagues had started working at the company right after high school and were now middle-aged. They felt a bit differently about it and were much less excited.
Since then, I’ve seen TQM efforts — and similar programs —collapse under the weight of their own metrics and processes. A few hopeful souls kept at it, while other employees tried to avoid the meetings because they wanted to focus on finishing “real work.”
As a result, I’m a bit skeptical about any large-scale, long-term initiative.
But at the same time, if anything needs that sort of deep thinking and disciplined approach, it’s IT and business processes. Technology is complicated and expensive, as are the processes many of us contend with on a day-to-day business. Frankly, I’m surprised some companies haven’t collapsed under the weight of their own complications.
That makes me think that, for many organizations and IT divisions, the time is right for a discipline like enterprise architecture.
Recently, I interviewed Sven van Dijk (@Vandijk_S), a consultant with BiZZdesign, about the values of The Open Group Architecture Framework, commonly called TOGAF. It’s a proprietary standard, although the Open Group provides it for free to organizations using it internally for noncommercial purposes.
Van Dijk is doing a presentation on his experience implementing enterprise architecture using the proprietary standard at The Open Group’s upcoming conference in Newport Beach, California.
First of all, TOGAF can incorporate “lower-level” standards like Six Sigma, he explained. In fact, it can be used to bring those other kinds of initiatives into focus and alignment throughout the company……
New versión from December
some of the best presentations about EA and TOGAF
Isaca has released the Spanish version
Linked IN Discussions
I have been to a couple of JISC-sponsored events previously at which benefits maps were presented. It was claimed that they can be useful in helping a University to think about return on investment (ROI) in terms of strategic planning. So I suggested benefits maps as being of potential use when I ran an Enterprise Architecture-focussed workshop with the University’s decision-making body (the Portfolio Executive) in a workshop earlier this year. The group agreed to trial the approach and we have been doing quite a lot of work with this tool since then. I’ll give a brief account of this here……
November 29, 2012 - Enterprise Architecture, IT & IT Management - Tagged: TOGAF - no comments
Application Portfolio Management (APM) is a practice that has emerged in mid to large size (IT) organizations since the mid 1990s. APM attempts to use the lessons of project and/or financial portfolio management to justify and measure the (financial) benefits of each application in comparison to the costs of the application’s maintenance and operations.
APM was widely adopted in the late 1980s and through the 1990s as organizations began to address the threat of application failure. The Y2K hype made many organizations around the world develop a comprehensive list of their applications, with information about each application.
It is common to find organizations that have multiple systems that perform the same function. Many reasons may exist for this duplication, including the former prominence of departmental computing, the application silos of the 1970s and 1980s, the proliferation of corporate mergers and acquisitions, and abortive attempts to adopt new tools. Regardless of the duplication, each application is separately maintained and periodically upgraded, and the redundancy increases complexity and cost.
There are two main categories of APM solutions, generally referred to as ‘Top Down’ and ‘Bottom Up’ approaches. The first need in any organization is to understand what applications exist and their main characteristics (such as flexibility, maintainability, owner, etc.), typically referred to as the ‘Inventory’. Another aspect of APM is to gain detailed understanding of the applications in the portfolio by parsing in the application source code and its related components into a repository database (i.e. ‘Bottom Up’). APM tools support this approach.
In application portfolio management, the definition of an application is a critical component. Many service providers help organizations create their own definition, due to the often contentious results that come from these definitions.
Software application and software component are technical terms used to describe a specific instance of the class of application software for the purposes of IT portfolio management. Application software is commonly defined as: An executable software component or tightly coupled set of executable software components (one or more), deployed together, that deliver some or all of a series of steps needed to create, update, manage, calculate or display information for a specific business purpose. In order to be counted, each component must not be a member of another application.
Taking ideas from project and/or investment portfolio management, APM practitioners gather information about each application in use in a business or organization, including the cost to build and maintain the application, the business value produced, the quality of the application, and the expected lifespan. Using this information, the portfolio manager is able to provide detailed reports on the performance of the IT infrastructure in relation to the cost to own and the business value delivered.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is regarded as a strong concept to cope with the complexity caused by large application portfolios. EA models are a strong basis to aggregate the AP-relevant characteristics per application, which are then integrated into an AP dashboard to support senior IT managers’ holistic APM. Consequently, a decision-oriented view is created of the overall EA, which the managers of the case studies companies deemed to be very helpful for steering their application portfolios.
The scheme below illustrates relationships between EA, APM, and the CIO office. APM allows transparency in the architecture process. This is important to the CIO and is also critical to building an EA community. Additionally, it reinforces governance for EA initiatives. It does this by providing transparency in the process. This is coupled by having a central store of record for application classification and management processes in which to base decisions.
Application portfolio management (APM) and project portfolio management (PPM) are very closely related activities. PPM is very similar to APM; sometimes there is confusion between the two. Although PPM and APM are very similar, they are also very different.
PPM provides project managers the visibility into many projects or program portfolios. They also provide built-in governance processes. The goal of PPM is to catalog, quantify, and manage project efforts.
The following table lists the comparisons of APM and PPM.
Focuses on the application architectures: