lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Certified ? You must be an Enterprise architect then..

I am often asked in my role as EA framework trainer, how to make sense of all the concepts presented in a framework and become a “real” practicing Enterprise Architect (EA). That set me thinking about my path to practicing EA and how theory alone, does not turn anyone into an Enterprise Architect.


One of the misconceptions I come across is that achieving certification or studying a formal EA framework, will remove all uncertainty about how to practice EA. This was not my experience. After I completed training, I was still uncertain about many concepts and how to apply them. I even started doubting many of the things I felt very sure about before I encountered the formal EA framework.
But after some time and consideration, I realized that the framework merely provides the skeleton on which to hang all the loose ideas and concepts I was exposed to and enables a structured way of understanding the bigger picture. I experienced the framework concepts challenging me to think about things in a different way – proposing new things I did not consider before.

In addition, I became more confident –  since my understanding of what needed to be done and why, was based on solid foundations.  My arguments were backed up by some heavyweight practitioners and they provided the support in the theory when I needed it.


“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” – A Einstein

Practicing EA in the real world however is the key to becoming a practicing architect. Here where concepts become tangible; stakeholders become individuals and uncertainties and myths have a way of presenting themselves in a very real and diverse way, is where the learning takes place and the skill is honed. Only once I practiced, and practiced some more, did I gain the insight to distinguish where to apply one concept versus another, did I grasp the theory and adapted it to my own particular flavor.  Did I start to contribute to the design of this discipline to be significant and valuable in the future.

Theory and Practice

The theory of Enterprise Architecture describes the practice and discipline as it is documented in its current form. It is my recommendation to be skilled in the theory. I certainly lacked confidence without the framework theory to guide me and I suspect so does many other EA’s.

My advice is to combine EA Framework theory and practical Enterprise Architecture experience to become a well-rounded EA. My journey started as a practitioner and then only was I exposed to a formal framework. So whether you start with the theory or you start by practicing; both is required for a rounded Enterprise Architecture Practitioner.  What is or was your path to EA?

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